Terms of use
Although the greatest possible care is exercised when creating this internet site, there is always the possibility that certain information will become obsolete or incorrect after a certain period of time. Escrow4all B.V. (“Escrow4all”) is therefore not liable for the consequences of activities that are undertaken on the basis of this internet site.
All intellectual property rights on this internet site belong exclusively to Escrow4all or its suppliers. With the exception of the stipulations laid down in or pursuant to the Copyright Act of 1912, nothing of this website may be reproduced or published without the prior written permission of Escrow4all.
Certain references on this website lead to sources of information that are kept by third parties and over which Escrow4all has no control. Escrow4all therefore does not bear responsibility for the accuracy or any other aspect of the information on those servers. In addition, the following Privacy Statement applies to the Escrow4all internet site. Escrow4all advises you to take note of this for the use of the Escrow4all internet site.
Privacy Statement
Escrow4all is a company where security is considered to be of the utmost importance and therefore Escrow4all aims to manage your personal data securely. By means of this page we want to inform everyone whose details are processed by Escrow4all why this data is being processed and which rights are attached.
The reason why we process your personal data
Personal data will only be processed if this is permitted on the basis of article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation. This means that this processing is either necessary or that we have your explicit permission for this.
Privacy on the internet site
Escrow4all keeps track of general visitor information of its internet site visitors as part of its activities. In this context, in particular the IP address of your computer, the time of retrieval and data that the browser of a visitor sends, can be registered and used for statistical analyzes of visiting and clicking behavior on the internet site.
Personal data security
Escrow4all ensures that appropriate security measures have been taken for the personal data that it holds, in line with applicable legal requirements and guidelines.
Retention period
Escrow4all will delete your personal data when processing of your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we have collected your data. Escrow4all will only keep your data longer, if necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.
Forward to third parties
Escrow4all will not forward personal data to third parties if this is not necessary. Escrow4all will only forward personal data if it is necessary to carry out its tasks. If Escrow4all forwards your information to a third party, Escrow4all will comply with applicable legal requirements and guidelines. Escrow4all will never forward, sell or exchange your data with third parties for marketing purposes.
Your rights
When your personal data is processed by Escrow4all, you have certain rights. You have the right to:
- request that Escrow4all allows you to inspect the personal data that Escrow4all processes from you;
- request that Escrow4all adjusts any incorrect and / or outdated personal data;
- request that Escrow4all completes incomplete personal data;
- request that Escrow4all deletes your personal data;
- request that Escrow4all processes less of your personal data;
- request that Escrow4all transfers personal data to a third party;
- object to the processing of personal data by Escrow4all.
Escrow4all will consider all requests and answer within a reasonable time. If Escrow4all decides not to honor your request, Escrow4all will inform you of this. Escrow4all can ask for more information when a request is received so that we can confirm your identity.
Escrow4all may amend this privacy statement without notice. If we change this privacy statement, the modified version will be on this page. It is advisable to check this page for possible changes.
If you have any questions or comments about our privacy policy, please contact us:
Escrow4all B.V.
Kingsfordweg 241
1043 GR Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)20 34 20 250
E: info@escrow4all.com
Last modified: 8 January 2021

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